How to make $5,000 every month with online courses

I have earned an average of $5,000 per month with online courses this year. Let me make it clear that I am talking about 2020. This is in the middle of a pandemic. This is a picture that will prove it.

Since 2017, I have been selling courses. The first time I held a webinar, I could sell ten places for my first online course. It was like I could print money from thin air. All I had to do was offer students a system they liked.

Many people reading this article may not know how to sell online courses. What tools do you use? What payment methods do you use? Where will you host your online course? How can you convince people to attend a webinar to sell them something?

This article will walk you through the entire process I use.

My Four-Step Sales Funnel

Here’s a quick overview of how my sales funnel functions.

The reader can sign up for a free email course by clicking the Call-to-Action at the article’s end.

The reader receives a daily email lesson for five days. After that, they can sign up for the Webinar.

The reader watches my Webinar and then buys the course I pitch at the end.

All that is left for the reader to do is take my course and have a great experience. They should also be pleased with their decision to spend money on me.

I will start by talking about the tools you will need.

Write an article on Medium

For those unaware, Medium is an open-source blogging platform that already receives tens of millions of monthly views.

You should start here rather than using WordPress. It only takes five minutes to set up a profile. It would take you a lot of time to create your site. You’d have to purchase hosting, register domain names, set up themes, etc.

You can leverage the audience of a Medium publication to reach new audiences. If 38,000 people follow the Post Grad Survival Guide, you may be able to get a small portion of them.

You can submit your work to a publication once you have been accepted. This only happens when you click the link “Write for Us” at the top of their website and follow the instructions.

You can submit your article by clicking “Submit.”

You can do it in just a few minutes. You wait for the publisher to publish, reject, or request changes.

Step two: Reader signs up for the Call to Action

You will usually find a call to action at the end of your blog post. It looks something like this:

This is a link to your landing page where people can sign up for the email list. Email lists are essential for selling online courses. You can’t market to Medium users without a ConvertKit list.

Imagine catching fish on a river. You’ll never be able to see anything without a net (or possibly even your hands, #madskills).

A landing page for an email list is a way to “catch” or collect leads to whom you can later market your products.

You must understand that the call-to-action (or CTA) is significant. You’d struggle to earn a dime by selling online courses without it.

Step 3: The prospective student signs up for my Webinar

ConvertKit allows me to create an automated process that will send students one email daily for a specific period.

This is a great way to share knowledge with others. It’s also super simple to set up. Repurpose your old blog posts into a free email training course.

Quickly, I’d like to describe the effectiveness of webinars in terms of sales. The conversion rate of webinars is usually between 10 and 15 percent. If 100 people watch your live Webinar, 10 to 15 will sign up on average. Neil Patel says that webinars can have a conversion rate of 19 percent if they are done well.

It would work. This would also work. If you want, you can do it. To me, it’s essential to get people to like me. A 40-minute webinar they’ve just watched on Medium with someone may not be sufficient for them to buy with me. They’ll know me better after a 5-day course.

Convert them to the Webinar

I could write a whole book on how to run a successful webinar. Someone else has already done it. It is recommended that you read the book written by Russell Brunson, founder of ClickFunnels. In this book, he explains how to run a successful webinar.

Create your presentation using Google Slides. A webinar is essentially a slide show. My presentation is around 100 slides.

Usually, there is an introduction, a presentation, and a pitch.

Tops, the introduction should not exceed five or seven minutes. The presentation should last between 20 and 25 minutes. The pitch should then be 10 minutes.

What is the most important tip I have ever learned about webinars?

Your main goal should be to remove barriers to purchasing. What objections would someone have to your course?

I am selling a course on writing. The most common objection is, “I don’t have the time to write.” I then show them that they will have enough time to write daily if they write shorter posts.

Objection overcome. You need to consider your product and the three most significant complaints people may have about not purchasing your course. You can then spend the Webinar addressing those objections and teaching people something valuable.

The math: How to make $5,000 every month

Do the math. How many blog posts must you view to earn $5,000 per month? It all depends on your subscribers. CTAs at the end of blog posts typically convert between one and two percent.

You must view between 50,000 and 100,000 blog posts to get 1,000 new subscribers within a month.

Then, between 60 and 80 percent of your subscribers will sign up for the Webinar.

This means that you will have between 600 and 800 people signing up for your Webinar.

Not so fast. If you are lucky, You’ll only see 240-320 people live.

This means 36 to 48 people will likely sign up for your class. If your course costs $200, you can earn $7,200 to $9,000.

Following the method I outline in this post, you can earn around $5,000 if your blog gets 50,000 views within a month.

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