Why you should start a business

It’s magical to imagine yourself sipping a daiquiri or working on your laptop on the beach at sunset while drinking a beer. It’s almost surreal to do what you love in the place you have always wanted to be. While it may be challenging to work from a laptop when the sun is glaring on your screen, working anywhere has benefits. You can manage your business on your computer while flying to an exotic location. You can also work from a library, coffee shop, coworking space, or home – anywhere with Wi-Fi. We all know that nobody likes to be stuck in one boring office. If you want to be able to work from anywhere, then you should consider starting a business. You may also discover that the nomad life is proper for you.

Shopify entrepreneur, globetrotter, and Shopify user DJ Jamison Shares: “I became an entrepreneur to regain my time freedom. Financial freedom: I travel the world. I had to leave college because I couldn’t afford it. I then found a job working as a custodian. This was my motivation. Since 2013, I have never looked back. I started with Affiliate Marketing and switched to Shopify in late 2015. “Fast forward to 2019, and I am running my online business using a laptop while traveling worldwide.”

You’re in Your Blood

Kyla Denault is the founder of Easy Breezy Dogs. It’s in my DNA, says. My parents were entrepreneurs, and they told me to find a job that I enjoy and makes me happy. I have multiple jobs. Side hustles: From selling Cedar Barrel Saunas to organizing speed dating events and selling tea And pet products, I currently own Easy Breezy Dog Training. I enjoy creating an idea, researching, taking risks, and implementing it. The quote I love most that hangs in my living room is, “Happiness is not the key to success. Happiness is key to success. You will achieve success if you enjoy what you do.”

Experience Freedom

Freedom is the most common reason people start a business. People are following Ariana Grande’s 7 Rings Advice, “I Want It, I Got It.” They can schedule their day however they want, take breaks when they want, spend time with whomever they choose, work on the days that suit them, and much more. Starting a business allows you to take back control of your life.

You can find others with similar interests.

Kray Mitchell, the founder of Magic Trick Accessories Store Tricky Fingers, says: “I began my current business as I saw an opportunity to give magic in Canada a more elite brand. Although the classics are still important, I wanted to offer a selection of visually appealing and highly rated products. I wanted to give my customers an incredible experience both online and after purchase. I enjoy magic and watching magicians. The more magicians I can help live their passions, the more enjoyment I will get. It’s win-win.”

Feed Your Family

The main reason for starting a business is to support your family. Family always comes first in life. You don’t just want to put food on the dinner table. You also want to ensure your family can create memories with you. This could be a vacation, a weekend at the cottage, a trip to an amusement park, or even arranging a particular birthday party. It’s also essential to set your children up for success. This includes tutors, sports, dance, hobbies, books, and more. Starting a small business can provide your family with a better quality of life. A 9-to-5 job can’t compare.

To Create a Product, You Need

Maya Page is the founder of Cannabidiol Products Store Oily CBD. “I opened my own company because I was frustrated by buying CBD oil. I am a mom from the Midwest – I don’t need CBD oil that tastes like chocolate haze! I needed a product that was clean, effective, and organically grown.

“Since CBD has not been regulated yet, so much misinformation exists. I had many questions as each company used different labeling and dosage techniques. My background is in business development, so I went straight to the source.

“I knew that others shared my frustrations, so I launched my line. So I could be sure of the exact formula. “I started this business because I was in need, but also to bridge the gap between a great product and its end users.”

Escape the 9 to 5.

The 9-5 job is a nightmare. Your dreams can die in the 9 to 5. Why invest all our time and energy in helping others achieve their dreams but not ourselves? You deserve to choose the time you want to get up, have a job you enjoy, and earn money. You can achieve all of this and more by starting your own business.

Giving Back

Arthur Ishkaev founded Strike Your Coin. I have collected coins since childhood. I started collecting coins in my home country. After that, I began collecting coins from different countries. We noticed the Canada 150 preparations when we visited Canada with my family at the end of 2016; we were there to celebrate the Canada 150th Anniversary. I wondered how to make history by contributing to the country that has welcomed us so well. I made a Canada 150 commemorative coin that anyone could strike with a sledgehammer.

“My first souvenir was a huge success. It generated much interest, and I also got featured on CBC Ottawa News. I was inspired to launch my business so everyone can have their coin personalized at their event. “I am now invited to corporate events, weddings, and private and private parties. I share the joy of striking souvenir coins with all event attendees.”

Own Your Career

You have little control over promotions, pay raises, and company policies. When you run a business, you only get what you put in. You will generate more sales if you heavily market your product. Your income and career growth are limited at a 9-to-5 job. Each year, the average pay increase is about 3.1%. This pay increase usually co-occurs with inflation, so you are not making as much as you think. Start a business if you want to move up in your career. Why? Because entrepreneurship is a skill that requires a great deal of business skills. This allows you to grow at a level your day job can’t.

You’re inspired

Mark Ranson is the founder of Mark & Vy. He shares: “I studied IT in university, but Tim Ferriss’ book, ‘The 4 Hour Workweek,’ solidified my idea that an ecommerce business would be a good option for me. I was tired of being confined to a desk for long hours and wanted to start my own business. These plans were not realized for several years. I had to move to Vietnam and meet my wife.

Vietnam has some of the best tailors in the world. My wife was raised in a tailor shop, and many of her relatives are also in this line. We are particularly passionate about traditional Vietnamese dresses called ‘ao Dai.’ The unique tailoring that goes into each dress is what we love. “We wanted to bring these elegant, beautiful dresses to the world esp,ecially to those who do not have access to high-quality tailors in their home countries. This is why our brand,’ mark&vy,’ was created.”

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