Best Teachable Alternatives and Competitors for 2023

Are you looking for Teachable alternatives that will power your eLearning company? You’re at the right place!

Teachable offers a powerful platform for creators who want to create and sell online courses. But it’s not perfect. It might not be a good fit for your business.

There are many great Teachable alternatives that you can use. We’ve put together a list of the best options.

You’ll find a detailed review and comparison of the best Teachable alternatives available, including pros and cons, price information, and much more.


I’d choose Thinkific as my number one choice for the best Teachable alternatives. It’s an online course platform very similar to Teachable, but it doesn’t charge a fee. It has some important features Teachable does not offer.

Thinkific is similar to Teachable in that it allows you to create, sell, and deliver course material to your customers. You can use a drag-and-drop editor to create your own page designs and themes.

Thinkific has more advanced options for assessment than Teachable. You can create advanced quizzes with randomized questions for your students to prevent cheating.

Use the survey to collect feedback from your students. You can also embed the feedback in your course pages to drive more sales.

Thinkific also has a tool for creating communities, but Teachable does not. You can make online communities that seamlessly integrate with your courses, creating an immersive learning environment for your students.

In flexible spaces, you can facilitate peer learning, host discussions, and send updates. Each student can create their profile and connect with other students through @mentions or thread comments.

Your community can be transformed into a live interactive classroom by hosting live events such as workshops, Q&As, and office hours.

Thinkific, in my opinion, also offers a little more control over Teachable. You can customize the look of your products and sales pages, as well as manage all pricing and course data.


The best Teachable Alternative for those who are looking for an all-in-one ecommerce solution is Podia. You can build an online store, sell courses, and create a curriculum with Teachable. You can also sell memberships, webinars, digital downloads, and other products.

Podia offers many features that Teachable does not. You can build free or paid communities for your subscribers to interact with, and you won’t have to rely on Facebook groups. The pre-launch function allows you to start selling your course before you have even finished creating it.

You’ll also have access to an array of marketing tools that are built into the software to help you increase course sales. This includes features for lead collection, email marketing, affiliate programs, customer messaging, and more.

Podia’s automatic collection of tax is yet another game changer. Podia calculates and charges the correct amount of tax to your customers based on where they are located once you have turned it on. This makes life so much easier.

The course creator is also a great tool. It is very intuitive. Please start by selecting a template, then customize it to your needs. You can include any media type you want in your lesson: audio, images, PDFs or videos, links, PDFs, and more.

And podia offers unlimited video hosting. You don’t need to use third-party services such as YouTube, and you can upload directly onto the platform.

You can include multiple-choice questions at the end of every lesson and reward those who perform well with certificates. This type of built-in assessment keeps students engaged and drives positive learning outcomes.

The analytics feature allows you to track student progress, and you can also send them messages on the page or via email.


Teachable offers the best Teachable alternatives for professionals, educational institutions, businesses, and anyone who wants to provide the best learning experience. It supports SCORM and has advanced learning management capabilities.

LearnWorlds, like Teachable, gives you everything you need to build and sell online courses. This includes customizable page templates and an intuitive course builder.

LearnWorlds’ advanced learning tools are what really sets it apart. We particularly like the interactive nature of LearnWorlds’ course player.

LearnWorlds allows your students to engage in their learning actively. They don’t just have to read or watch videos passively.

You can, for example, add interactive elements to your videos, such as hotspots and overlays. You can also include content tables, quizzes, and links. Students can interact with the video by clicking on the elements within the player as the video is playing. This helps keep students engaged.

Students can add notes and highlight text as they read. This allows students to take control of their learning and helps with revision.

LearnWorlds isn’t just about interactivity. Other advanced features are available.

LearnWorlds, for example, is SCORM-compliant. This means that courses built on LearnWorlds are compatible with other eLearning solutions. In reverse, you can upload systems that you have made in other SCORM-compliant software to LearnWorlds with a few simple clicks.

Teachable, on the other hand, does not support SCORM. This means that you have less flexibility when switching platforms.

We could talk about LearnWorlds for hours, but we don’t have the time. One last feature that I want to mention is LearnWorlds’ white-label mobile application.

Your students can learn anywhere with your mobile app, built under your brand. You can even use push notifications and in-app purchasing to increase sales.


The best Teachable alternative is LearnDash for anyone looking to create and sell courses on their WordPress website.

LearnDash differs from other Teachable alternatives that we have looked at in the sense that it’s not a stand-alone course platform. It’s an LMS plugin (Learning Management System) built on WordPress.

Please install and activate it on your website. You can then create your course directly within your WordPress dashboard and begin selling it through your website. You don’t need to use third-party platforms, and everything is hosted on your servers. This gives you complete control over your course.

LearnDash is a flexible CMS that uses WordPress, an open-source CMS. You can set up everything in a manner that suits you and your students. You can use any pricing model you like, any payment gateway, and any multimedia content.

You can start selling your course as soon as you publish it on your website.

The powerful quizzing engine is another thing I love about LearnDash. There are more assessment options with LearnDash than Teachable. You can choose from 8 different question types, including multiple-choice, essays, and so on.

You can also automate the process so that students must achieve a specific score to be able to move on to the next module or to earn a reward.

LearnDash can be installed as a WordPress Plugin, or you can choose LearnDash Cloud, the fully hosted version. It is important to remember that a WordPress plugin will require more management than other platforms, such as Teachable and Thinkific.

You are responsible for your site’s security, updates to core and plugin software, hosting, etc. LearnDash Cloud can help you with this.

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