It’s the season to make some money! It’s the holiday season, so stock up on new products for your shop, create your best Facebook ads, and crank up your phone volume to hear every time Shopify’s app makes that beautiful “ka-ching“! The holiday season is about giving and receiving. You know about family, giving, Christmas, and peppermint-flavored hot chocolate. If you want to help people choose the perfect gift this holiday season, here are ten items you may wish to sell in your store.

Products to Sell at Christmas 2018

Wine SetYou cannot complain about this product. You can sell wine products during the holidays. You can dropship wine online. You can sell wine accessories like glasses, corkscrews, stoppers, and aerators. Bundle these products in your store to increase the average order value. You can share your wine offers on Facebook in any of the many wine groups available. You should still reach out to the admin before you do anything. Spamming is not profitable. Add these wine glasses to your online store.

Pendant Necklace

A sentimental gift will win a woman’s affection. Jewelry is an easy gift to give to a loving partner or spouse. Heart pendant necklaces, like the one shown below, are trendy now. Its simple design makes it easy to wear with formal or casual attire. Facebook ads are a great way to market heart necklaces. You can sell different chains shaped like animals or other shapes. Your customers can give these necklaces to their sisters, aunts, or coworkers. Find pendant necklaces for your store.

Wireless Charger

Wireless chargers are an excellent gift for techies. They tend to be at their most popular around the Christmas season. Depending on the person you are selling to, you can choose between a wireless charging lamp and a standard charger. A light for the living room might be more appealing to someone looking for decor. Someone might want a small charger that they can use at their desk to work. This product can be positioned as a gift for techies, colleagues, businesspeople, or anyone with whom you have a relationship. Add wireless chargers to your store’s catalog.

Pregnancy pillow and Swaddle Blanket

Do you want to sell gifts that will be given to new or expectant parents? It is one of the best gifts for pregnant women, as sleeping with a baby more significant than a watermelon in your belly can be difficult. You can sell this product if you have a maternity shop or plan to open one. Swaddle blankets can be sold in your store to help wrap a baby up while it sleeps. Your ads can target new parents so a spouse will buy the item for their partner. Import pregnancy pillow to your store.

Scratch Off World Map

Do you want to sell a trendy product to adventurers or travelers? This is not your average world map. Why? You can scratch off a country from the map after you have visited it. You can scratch off a country on the map once you have seen it. The interactive element will be a hit with your customers when they return home after their trip. This map is a great way to market it to students, college students, teachers, travelers, and parents. Discover our most popular world maps.

Indoor Car Lights

Want to make money in the automotive market? Right now, indoor car lights are all the rage. In some countries, winter can be very dark. We could all do with a bit more light. You can sell car light tubes to line the interior of your customer’s car. This will help them see better in the dark. You can pick from a variety of colors. It is practical and fun. You can use a Facebook video to market the product by showing all the available colors. Amazon is currently a popular place to buy these types of products. Add car lighting to your store.

Fitness Clothing

New Year’s Resolutioners will hit the gym in January to lose those extra holiday pounds. Thanks to you, your customers will have great gear to use or wear. Clothes are the most popular gift that people get during the holiday season. You can save people from embarrassment by promoting fitness apparel. They won’t get the embarrassing underwear from Grandma Ruth on Facebook. You can also sell fitness products in your fitness clothing store, adding variety to the product line. Leggings are a great addition to your online shop.

Bluetooth Speaker

Shower speakers were the best gift I ever received. Who doesn’t like to have music with them wherever they go? Even in the bathroom. Bluetooth speakers will remain popular until the music industry dies… or a newer technology takes over. If you want to sell electronics, this product is for you. This product is aimed at Millennials who are tech-savvy and enjoy music. You’ll need to start with an SEO strategy as this product is based on search. Also, you could try Google Ads. You’ll need to show the advantages of Bluetooth speakers over traditional speakers if you want that impulse purchase.

Ethnic Clutch

These past few months, ethnic clutches have been selling well. They’re great for impulse shoppers because of their unique designs. If you don’t know what a handbag is, a clutch style is a type of bag. You can use them to carry your essentials like makeup, ID cards, phones, and tissues. This product’s target market is likely females between 20 and 34. You can advertise your product on gift guides in women’s magazines. You can also try influencer marketing by paying influencers to promote your development on their pages. See some of our most popular ethnic bags.

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